Running the London Marathon 2023 for Macmillan

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the outdoors and exercising is part of my every day life. So when I first ran the London Marathon a few years ago, I naively didn’t prepare myself for the monumental challenge that I was about to face.

But this isn’t about me, its about the fantastic charity Macmillan, that myself and my wife are running the nextGreg Swaffer Macmillan London Marathon for.

About Greg

Greg Swaffer has over 10 years experience in the technology industry and has been part of CAE coming up seven years. In his my spare time, Greg will likely be doing something active and is a keen golfer.  He grew up in a seaside town in the South East and moved to London after graduating University.

Why I am running for Macmillan

I have experienced first-hand, the amazing work that Macmillan and its people do. In 2019, my Mother-in-Law received the terrible news that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Their care and support through this time we will be forever grateful for. Through the worst of times, Macmillan lighten the load wherever they can and families know their loved ones are receiving the best possible care.

The charity were incredibly supportive throughout her diagnosis and treatment, and were always available to answer any questions with expertise and reassurance. Thankfully now, she is all well and in remission.

There are over 3 million people in the UK living with cancer and research suggesting that 1 in 2 people born in the UK after 1960 will receive a diagnosis.  Macmillan do amazing work providing services for people living with cancer by providing emotional, practical, physical and financial support every step of the way.

Macmillan are 98% funded by voluntary donations, so fundraising is essential to make sure they can deliver the vital support people living with cancer need.

Watch Greg discuss why Macmillan is so important to his family: 


The big race

On 23rd April this year, my wife and I will be taking part in the 2023 TCS London Marathon in aid of Macmillan Cancer support. A small gesture that we can do, compared to the live changing work Macmillan achieve every day.  In addition to our race, and along with some of our avid walkers at CAE, I have also signed up for our CAE Mighty Hikers in July. A 26 mile hike all to raise more money for Macmillan, keep an eye out for my next blog piece on this challenge!

Macmillan is CAE’s chosen charity of choice for this year. I am proud to work for CAE who supports such a worthy cause in the way they do, and they have very kindly offered to show support in our fundraising.

If you are happy to make a donation and support me on this journey, I would really appreciate it no matter how big or small, with 26.2 miles to go we are ready!


Donate here


He did it!!Greg Marathon completed

"What an unbelievable day!  Even though I managed to pull my Hamstring at 11 miles I battled on through the extreme pain and managed to finish the marathon in 4.49. Even though it wasn’t the time I hoped for, I still had an amazing experience ! the support on the day was incredible and we raised over £4,000 for Macmillan which is what really matters! "