Digital Transformation: Building on Solid Foundations

Written by CAE | Nov 7, 2017 1:49:00 PM

By Justin Harling: CEO

There has never been a more exciting time to work in technology. The potential for change is unparalleled, with disruptive models constantly been promoted as the only future available to all organisations. Add to this, a regulatory environment fighting hard to keep pace, and definitely making its presence felt, and the challenges and potential rewards have never been greater.

It therefore comes as no surprise that in an attempt to understand their place in an evolving market that many organisations and individuals are struggling to adapt, or rushing towards strategies that they do not fully understand.

The key is that despite the apparent pace of change, it does represent an evolution, and as long as there is a willingness to adapt, it is possible to achieve fantastic outcomes – as long as the foundations for change have been considered carefully.

There is no quick fix, there is no single technology that can make a positive difference in isolation, there is no technology shift that can be made without its cultural equivalent.

So much of the failure of technology projects, or security issues, can be traced back to not understanding and implementing the basics when it comes to underlying infrastructure and how it is actually adopted by users.

It may not be overtly glamorous, and it is certainly time consuming, but technology infrastructure has consistently demonstrated that it is most impactful by evolving, whether that is the convergence of voice, video and data, virtualisation, the emergence of hybrid cloud as the most effective cloud strategy or the potential of Artificial Intelligence.

CAE has worked hard to understand its core strengths and has always known that these reside within core technology infrastructure. Being able to ignore the myriad of distractions that currently exist, means that our focus stays on delivering outcomes, from the solid foundation of understanding your infrastructure like nobody else.

This is technology on point.